Sunday, September 08, 2013

Bad, Horrible, A Waste of Time, Doesn't Quite Do it Justice!

We are very selective when it comes to seeing movies, plays, bands. Time is short, and we are always on the look-out for inspiration, so it's best to do some homework and try to filter out the dreck.

But sometimes that filter doesn't work. We went to a play last night, presented by a theater group that usually does great work. And their production was stunningly, completely, terribly bad. Really. A total misfire. Nothing good to say about the work.

Lots of ugliness all around. Some of it was intentionally ugly, which I suppose was meant to be funny, but wasn't, and lots of it seemed to be unintentionally ugly, which was just ugly.  

I am not going to name this group, or their show. What's the point? After this post I intend to forget that I ever stepped into that little theater. Lots of yelling. Over the top yelling in a little black box. It was noisy, gave us headaches. It was torture.

My favorite moment of the whole piece was a moment of silence. But it was a only brief moment, and then the nausea rose up again. In the spirit of the piece, let me just say, it was like sticking a hot poker in your eye, burning your eyeball to a crisp and then digging it out and feeding it to your cat. Yes, it was like that...