Thursday, August 08, 2013

We Live, And We Wonder

You always find the freakiest stuff in the Science Times section of the Times. The Cosmologists and Physicists are the really far-out set.

The atoms that compose us, are the same as, and were manufactured in, the stars. 

And little beetles find their way by the light from the Milky Way...

Kind of makes you think we don't really know what's going on, and will probably never really figure it all out.  I have spent most of my existence trying to crack the nut, trying to understand the world, and find my place in it. And well, crack open the Science Times (for instance) and well, it's pretty damn obvious I might as well give up that fool's errand. I am not, we are not, going to figure this one out... we live, and we wonder...

And maybe we are here just so that the Stars have someone/something to notice them out there in the darkest night?