Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Mary Karr's "Same Self"

Finished Mary Karr's "Cherry." Lots of insights big and little. Maybe that's the nature of a perceptive person, a great writer, focusing on events in a life. I came across her concept of "same self." Kind of the kernel of a personality. The essence. That little dot of integrity that you carry with you even as you navigate through the valley of death, through the pain and heartache of a life well-lived.

And some folks lose this kernel, or misplace it, or cloud it with drugs, or turn away from it or deny it. Maybe this "same self" is also what some would call character, or will. It's a little thing, but a big thing too. And maybe some are born to it, and carry it with them throughout their lives. And maybe for some it's luck or circumstance that allows them to "hold on" to that essence.

Is it innate, or learned? Or is it really just an illusion of integrity? And maybe you can't really deny it, right? Same self. Always. No matter what. For good and bad. A blessing and a curse.