Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Losing it is the Key!

Chet Baker famously sang... "Let's Get Lost." And maybe we really do have to "get lost" to actually find ourselves.  That would be just the kind of contradiction that would "make sense" in this crazy-ass predicament we all call life.  

The mad ones, the alive ones, the folks with the flame turned way up high, well, they lose themselves in something bigger or beyond themselves, and that losing it is a key to finding some deeper meaning, to discovering a deeper more fulfilling experience, to living a life to the max.

You can lose yourself in the creative realm or the destructive realm. It's best, more positive, to do this losing in the creative realm. That's not to say it won't be frustrating, or challenging, or sometimes unfulfilling. But when it works, there is nothing that can hold a candle to it.