Monday, August 19, 2013

Just the Highlights!

I wish I could eloquently paint a picture of our day yesterday. But I'm just not that great of a writer. If I were David Foster Wallace, yesterday could probably be a 300 page volume with 150 or so end-notes.

Instead, I will list some highlights:

We conspired and wrote down our plan to rule the world. We talked to the little birdies. We watched Go-Go dancers prance about on a little summer stage. We were stirred by the Soul Keepers. We were introduced to a little green parrot. We roamed about a big comfy recording studio and looked in awe at the Trident mixing board that was used by Roger Waters and Bob Ezrin for "The Wall."

We were photographed, video-taped and recorded as we played three of our songs in studio. We watched a stark naked woman wrap herself in saran wrap, and then struggle to burst from the constraints of the wrapping. We sandwiched ourselves into a Red Line train, a Blue Line train, and a taxicab. We ate at Falafel and Grill on Milwaukee, and devoured platefuls of great Lebanese food. We were stunned to watch two very charismatic, mysterious and beautiful people (a sultry woman and a dark, stoic man) demonstrate how the human body can be evocative, and poetic and really say it all. Two amazing Spanish dancers who silently, bathed in powerful, soul-enriching sounds blew our minds and fed our souls.

Etc... it was a long, fruitful and strange day...