Sunday, August 11, 2013

Abbie Fest 2013 - Day 2 - Love for the World and All the Things in It!

If you want to follow along and keep up with what's happening at the Abbie Fest this weekend, be sure to check out Terry Flamm's Brokenhearted Toy.  Terry is an uber-blogger who writes about music and pop culture. He has his finger on the power-pop pulse and so much more!

My thoughts on Abbie Fest Day Two: This is a multi-headed beast. You can't rule it. You don't own it. You can ride the wave of energy for a short time, and then you must let go. You won't understand it. Or be able to define it, or put it in a box. And just when you think you know what it's all about, something will happen that will blow all your thoughts and expectations out the door.

We performed our Mixtapes 2013 show last night.  It seemed to go over well. Nice audience response. We didn't have any hiccups or blown lines. We presented it as it is, and well, it's a piece about where we are now, which I guess is sort of lost and disconnected, and well, we are left with a heart-felt genuineness and love for the world and the things in it.

Not sure if all that came across. But that's kind of what we were doing... the show before us, from Citizens Relief, was an absolute stunner! The Two Character play from Tennessee Williams. And Citizens' Relief was just amazing, superb, etc. I mean, it was so fucking great! Wow. Abbie Lives!