Sunday, August 04, 2013

A Special Kind of Genius

Greater minds than mine have grappled with the comprehensibility and the incomprehensibility of the universe we live in. Einstein is almost as infinitely quotable as Yogi Berra.  If you could combine the genius of an Einstein with a genius of a Berra? Well, damn, you might really have something. Grappling with "Time." Did Einstein really say, "The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once."

Makes you think you really don't know anything. You experience the world but you don't really know what it is, you experience time, but it's a mystery too. You live your life, but in very fundamental ways you don't understand it at all. 

So yes, you get it, time is subjective. You are a subject, and an object simultaneously. The world is full of subjects and objects. And everything is marching to it's own drum beat, it's own time-clock. And that time-clock is dependent on the subject, the perception of the subject. 

You are marching to your own drum beat. But you don't own the drum, you don't call the tune. Still in some way you own it. It's yours. In that way you do own it. Totally. You are the Universe. And you can't opt out. Not really.