Friday, July 12, 2013

Sand Castles in the Air

I can honestly say, there is no plan. There has never been a plan. It's all been sort of "improvisational," without prior preparation. Just living in the moment, acting and reacting to events.

That's been the approach, to the life, to the work. 

So when it comes to the work, whether it's theater, music, whatever, the basic modus operandi has been "do the work and see what happens." You do the best you can, you follow your creative impulses where they lead, and then, well, you hope other people notice.

You hope to be seen. That's pretty much it. Not really a plan. Just a mode of life. Sometimes it has panned out, sometimes not.

It's not exactly "empire-building," more like making sand castles in the air... not sure if it's smart, or productive, or just lame... not sure, the story is still being written.

And all I have is "the work," and the "doing of it..."