Monday, July 08, 2013

Just Another Rehearsal

We capped off a couple days off with a band rehearsal yesterday.  It had been awhile since the "core band," (bass, drums, guitar and vocals) got together in a room.  It was intense and exhilarating.  I wonder sometimes if our best work is in rehearsal. Making music in a relaxed setting, a familiar room, with our own P.A. Making music for each other.

We were fresh and sharp at the same time. We went thru 18 songs, old ones, new ones, originals, a couple covers that we have really made "our own." We even had a few moments of "improvisation" that just seemed to take wing and soar...

It truly was like catching lightening in a bottle. One of those unexpected, totally extraordinary experiences. It's hard to talk or write about. It's something "you do," you can't really translate or explain the phenomena to yourself or someone else. It was just the four of us, creating this amazing sonic energy.

It was just another rehearsal. And then, well, it seemed totally intense and transcendent... and then we packed up and closed the door and went back to another world.  But for a couple hours it was really amazing, over-powering...