Thursday, July 18, 2013

Channeling the Astronaut!

Sometimes things happen, and they make you wonder...

Does it ever happen to you? Lately, I've been learning lines for a show we are performing in August. It's a little script that I wrote a few years ago and had forgotten. My partner was searching through the archives and she found it. She printed it out, and we read it together, and decided to use it as the basis for one of the  shows we will be premiering.

This one is called "The Cheerleader and the Astronaut." I am learning the lines now. It's funny, I wrote it, but then put it aside, and never did anything with it, so now learning it, it seems like it's been conjured up by another author.

I'm "playing" the Astronaut, which is funny and ridiculous, but it's right up our theater alley. Anyway, I'm walking around the neighborhood, doing lines, learning lines, it's all about lines. And I walk over to a little park on the lakefront.  I'm channeling the Astronaut!

There is a bench under a willow tree, it's hot, so I decide to sit in the shade. I get to the bench, look down and see a book. I sit down, reach over and pick the book up.  The title is "The Astronaut's Wives Club." I page through it, pictures of Astronauts, and Astronauts wives and children.  I start reading the first chapter... Astronauts and their wives... really...

I don't know, sometimes things happen, and they make you wonder...