Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A High All It's Own

Surprisingly, you find that you really can be "high on life." High on clarity, and sobriety. In fact it's probably the "best" high, although, the high includes the downs too. And for every peak, there is a valley, so you have to ride the ups and you have to ride the downs. And then, somehow, and not always, but sometimes, the ups and the downs, the experiencing of both, become part of the high.

You get high from the experience of experiencing everything. But the high doesn't last. Just like everything else doesn't last. But if the high is really working, your lows, your down-times, turn out to be just other aspects of the high.  It's kind of a trick. And maybe it's a ZEN, thing, or a weird framing thing, or maybe just an illusion, but it's an illusion that can come from, can be derived from, the sobriety, and from the clarity. And it can be a high all it's own.