Friday, June 21, 2013

Love The Audacity of Low!

I love this story. I love that it is a story too. I love Low, the band. I think their latest record "Invisible Way" is superb. One of my favorites this year for sure.

So they played an outdoor festival, and I suppose if I would have been in the audience I would have been looking forward to hearing them plays songs off their latest record. Didn't happen. Instead, they played one song. The whole set. A long, droning, feedback kind of song.  Of course, it's beautiful, and wonderful and inspiring. 

But I guess it pissed off some fans. They wanted to hear what they wanted to hear. But Low decided to do something a little different and play what they wanted to play. I love it. Isn't that what we expect from our finest artists? 

Did I say it? I love Low!