Saturday, June 15, 2013

I Hate Nostalgia!

I always say I "hate nostalgia." I don't long for the past. Sometimes I find myself re-experiencing or remembering the past. And as you grow older, the past gets bigger and bigger. More of your life is behind you. So I guess it's inevitable that the past looms over us.

But we can't live there. Even though we did live there. And we can't live in the future either, although, I do think we need to try our best to be optimistic about the future. Even if it looks strange and scary. And we can't live in the future either, although we hope we might and we hope it will be better, or at least not horrible.

We really only do have now.  Right now. We are not captive to the past or hostage to the future. Really. We're not. We are here now. But we're not alone. We have the past and the future as companions. But they have to take a back seat. We are in the driver seat right now.

I think I hate nostalgia, because I fear that I will be overcome by it, that I will somehow long for a past that didn't actually really exist... and shit, who wants to live there?