Monday, June 03, 2013

Close Encounter of a Stones Kind!

This is just the strangest coincidence. We were rehearsing Rolling Stones songs with our band on Saturday. Unbeknownst to us, Daryl Jones (the current Stones bassist) was in the room next to us, and overheard our singing and playing. The Stones are in Chicago for a series of shows, and Daryl was visiting some friends up in our neighborhood.

Just so happens, I had also just put up a poster for our upcoming Stones tribute show in the window of our rehearsal space. So Daryl heard us singing and playing, saw our poster, and supposedly got a big kick out of it. Unfortunately, he didn't pop his head in the door to say "Hi." If he would have, I think I might have keeled over.

We are hoping this is just a good omen for our show. I hear that the Stones shows are going well too!