Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Think It!

Sometimes you think, if you think it, it must exist. If you think "aliens" there must be aliens. If you think "time-travel" there must be time travel. If you think "god" there must be god. If you think it. It exists. I mean, this is just a way of thinking. There are things that you think that maybe don't exist, or maybe we just haven't discovered them yet. We often think "destiny." Destiny!
  1. The events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future.
  2. The hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future; fate.
fate - lot - fortune - doom - kismet - luck - portion

Update: There are levels and types of destiny.  There's biological destiny: this sperm meets this egg, this being is the result. Hair color, eye color, height, weight. Mutations that are in-built.

And this being born in a certain time and place will sleep, and talk, and dream. What does the being talk about and dream about? Is that part of the biological inheritance too? And how does the being occupy itself, what does it do, where does it go, what stories does it tell itself? Are there "spiritual" destinies too?