Monday, May 06, 2013

The "Hard Cases" Open Your Head!

If I have a religion, it's probably that big, undefinable, all-encompassing one called "ART."  It's an amorphous, ephemeral thing.  Very, very subjective, but I know it when I see it. But it's also a constantly evolving, living thing. And my favorite artists are the ones who like to test the limits of ART.

I love (for instance) those "hard cases" (see previous post) that make you open your head!

Here's Steven Soderburgh on the "inevitability of art..." 

"It was on the wall of a cave in France 30,000 years ago, and it’s because we are a species that’s driven by narrative. Art is storytelling, and we need to tell stories to pass along ideas and information, and to try and make sense out of all this chaos. And sometimes when you get a really good artist and a compelling story, you can almost achieve that thing that’s impossible which is entering the consciousness of another human being – literally seeing the world the way they see it. Then, if you have a really good piece of art and a really good artist, you are altered in some way, and so the experience is transformative and in the minute you’re experiencing that piece of art, you’re not alone."

Yes, the experience of great art is transformative, entrancing, enlightening.  That's why I love it! And build my life and altar around it!