Monday, May 20, 2013

Addicted to Addiction

Addicted to addiction (see previous post).  Some of us have what is called an addictive personality and all that comes with it: impulsive, alienated, anti-social, sensation-seeking, tolerance for deviance, high value of nonconformance, weak commitment to goals... etc.

I mean what's the problem? No, really, I mean, of course, yes, I'm an addict. Aren't you?  I think most of us are addicted to something. And I know that much of my activity could probably be seen as addictive behavior.

I think the key to an interesting life is to pick your addictions wisely.  Hard drugs? Not a good choice. Jack Daniels Whiskey - are you fricking crazy?!  Cheap, dangerous thrills? Well, maybe.

I am certainly addicted to music. And coffee, and Pop Culture. And frozen yogurt. And literature. And asthma medicine.  And meditation. And well, just about anything that gets me motivated. I tend to want to swallow it whole. And gratify myself until I'm completely gratified.

I don't eat chocolate or cake often - but when I do, I want to eat every last piece, every last crumb.  As Oscar Wilde once commented: "I can resist anything but temptation."

I can see it's a problem. But it's also a feature. A curse and a blessing. Some of these addictions work and some don't. You want to seek out the ones that do... if you can.