Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Slogging through the day.

Clear or not. Doesn't matter. Some days it's a slog no matter what. Yesterday was that slog for me. It was like I was in a triathlon.  Except I didn't wear a number on my chest. And there was no competition. And there was no prize money. And there were only two events. And one of them was walking, not running. So I guess it really wasn't much like a triathlon at all.

Just a lot of slogging through the day. The trick was to survive it in one piece. Which I did. And I did try to make it a game that I was playing. Or was assigned to play. Or maybe I was just a game piece that was being moved about by a greater hand than mine. But really I had to do all the work, expend all the energy. So I guess the game was mine.

I must own it. So I played the game. I walked. I biked. I zigged and zagged through the neighborhood like a drunk ant. I was actually paid for my effort. So I guess I was just doing my job. And I did it. And at the end of the day I was bone-tired, dead-tired, bleary-eyed. 

But I made it through all that slogging.  I slogged. And then got home and slept like a drunk puppy. And now, this morning, I'm awake and drinking coffee. And thinking about doing it all again today. Yes. Well. That's the game right now. And I must play!