Sunday, April 07, 2013

"I can still hear you saying, we will never break the chain..."

Yes, well, what is the "chain of causation?" The legal definition - "a series of events, each of which was caused by the immediately previous event."

This seems pretty all encompassing.  And what about that butterfly flapping it's wings in Mumbai this second? Is it the "cause" of my eye-blink this second?

And can you "break the chain?" Can you step out of the chain? And start your own chain? Or are these chains of causation the ties that bind us? Is the chain a shackle or a bracelet?

I had a revelatory dream. I was in the backseat of a car, and the driver of the car was a very important person. A very important person in my life. Arguably the most important person in my life, or at least, for sure, the first or second most important person in my life.

Now this person happens be dead. And I haven't seen or heard from them in a long time.  Anyway, I was happy to see them. But they were driving the car, and they were driving erratically. No madly. They were driving madly out of control. Driving like they really didn't know how to drive.

And I was helpless and frantic in the backseat. I had no steering wheel. No gas pedal. I had nothing, except a seat in the vehicle.  I woke up and realized this was a problem. A problem in my life. That person driving was a key link in my chain. And I needed to break that chain.  I needed my own car. 

I needed to have my own steering wheel and gas pedal.  When I woke up I started trying to imagine what kind of car I should "own." This was a difficult problem. And I wrestled with it most of the day. I was walking down the street with my lovely companion, we passed a new car show room. My companion pointed in the window and said, "There's your car!" I looked. Yes, that was it. It was a Japanese model.  It was called INFINITY!

"I can still hear you saying, we will never break the chain..."