Sunday, April 21, 2013

Deal or No Deal?

OK. Here's the deal...

You get to be alive. You get a body. You don't get to decide exactly what kind of body you get, it will be issued to you, and it will be what it will be.  It will grow. It will age. Ultimately, it will start to fall apart.  Oh yeah, it's possible in the course of your life, you could have an accident, or come down with some debilitating disease. You might die early.  It's kind of the luck of the draw.

Oh yeah, you also get consciousness.  Which is a pretty amazing thing to have. You will be aware of all kinds of things. You will discover and experience. You will remember. You will forget. You will know. You will experience unknowing too.  Consciousness is just one of the coolest things to have, really.  But you won't know what it's like until you have tried it out for yourself.  It's one of those things where "You had to be there," to understand.

Ok.  So that's the upside to the deal.  But of course, there's always the small print...

Also, in the bargain, there will be pain, suffering loss. Everyone you know, and everyone you love, will die.  Some may consider you lucky, if you die before they do. There will be lots of things you don't understand. There will be many mysteries. You won't really know what's going on most of the time. You will be grasping for meaning and answers most of your life.

There will be lots of uncertainty. And probably regrets. You will make lots of mistakes. You may even wish you could do things over, or you may day-dream about other paths, other lives. But you will have to live with the choices you have made. You will have to do your best, even if sometimes you don't know what's best.

So I ask you.  Do you take the deal?

My Own Answer... "Of course, in a heartbeat!"