Monday, April 01, 2013

A Peak Experience

Yes, the show over the weekend was a good one. That doesn't really capture it. There were moments that were truly "peak" experiences.  Everything converged at the right time to make certain moments exactly perfect.  Didn't even know that was possible.

And we learned/experienced some things that we didn't even know we could learn. We didn't even know that what we learned was possible. And it's not really anything I can pass on to someone else. You truly have to experience what we experienced to understand what we experienced.

The particulars of time and place don't really matter. I mean, it had to be that time and place, but the "perfection" of those moments transcends any time and place.  It's weird and cool.  A peak experience is just a peak experience. It was unexpected. And not something that can just be conjured up.

It kind of snuck up on us. Which made it even more mind and spirit expanding.  It happened the way it happened when it happened.  That's something.