Saturday, March 02, 2013

The Big Show

It's LIFE itself that's the amazing, enthralling, confounding, and mysterious thing.  It's so big and rambling, always morphing, seems as if it goes on forever, and manifests itself in infinite forms.

We have a slice of it, we embody it, but our paltry little share is just a tiny, microscopic piece of such a grand, incomprehensible thing.  It's easy to miss it, even as it looms and throbs and animates all around us.

Maybe we have to turn away.  We have to consciously forget.  Just to be able to carry on.  We dazzle ourselves with other entertainments.  The the big show is LIFE... but it's just so damn big, it's over-stuffed with all that "needing, wanting, grasping," and we arrive well after the beginning, and exit well before the end...

Still we are here now. And we do have piece of the grand thing... we are free to do, what we can, with what we have...