Saturday, March 09, 2013

That's Hell!

Dante spent lots of time describing hell and all the levels of hell.  Levels and rings.  9 levels.  Lots of rings. It's a very complex place.

My idea of hell is lots simpler.  Hell is a room. And in this room you are strapped to a chair. And you are forced to watch a movie (your eyelids are pinned back like in A Clockwork Orange). The movie is a highlight reel of all your bad decisions, accidents, fuck-ups, wrong turns, failed ventures.  Everything is beautifully edited by some expert, tormenting video genius.

So all the scenes of your humiliation come flying by and you live and die with every moment.  It's all so real, and still so fresh. And you really re-live these moments.  And there are two phrases running through your brain as you watch these images.

1. "I have no one to blame but myself."
2. "I will get what I deserve."

That's hell.