Monday, March 25, 2013

Sex. Drugs. R&R. Blasphemy!

This coming weekend we are doing a covers show, "Sex, Drugs & R&R." There will be 9 performers: solo acts and bands, doing 30 songs "dedicated to life's essentials."  whitewolfsonicprincess will be closing our little mini-set with the Patti Smith Group's version of "Gloria."  It's off Patti's debut album "Horses."

Patti's album was one of those seminal moments in r&r.  A collision of garage rock with prophetic, visionary poetry, served up by one of the most charismatic, shamanistic, little scarecrows of a front-woman ever conceived.  Patti must have been dreamed up by some poetry-spewing, sacred monster.

Check out The Patti Smith Group debut on SNL in 1976 here. Riveting. Astonishing. The essence.

Anyway, we ran through our own version of Patti's song yesterday in rehearsal.  It was so exhilarating to bash through those three chords.  And when the Lovely Carla intoned: "Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine," I really did get a little chill up my spine. 

What's funny and coincidental (Although, really is there any such thing as a coincidence?!), we will be playing this song a day before Easter.  Love it! Sex. Drugs. R&R. And Fucking BLASPHEMY!