Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Equality! Of Course!

All this talk of equality... in marriage... and in life... got me thinking.

Of course we are all equal, I mean, of course we are all unique, and we are all coming from different circumstances, and have different levels of abilities and opportunities available to us, but beings with life streaming through them are more the same than different.  

Some of us are, as Wm. Blake once wrote, "born to sweet delight," and some are "born to endless night."

But of course we should all be treated equally under the law. We should always strive for a society of equality, fraternity, and justice.  The circle of equality always needs to be expanding and inclusive.  

It's better for all of us if everyone is treated with respect and dignity. And we all have the same rights. Each and every one of us. 

U2: "One, but not the same." Any differences should be honored. Celebrated. Of course!