Sunday, March 17, 2013

Covering the Covers!

Yesterday, we had an intense rehearsal going over cover songs we are doing for a show at the end of the month.  We kind of deconstructed songs, and worked on parts: harmonies, guitar parts, etc. It was fun and exhausting. Our band is pretty much dedicated to original work, we have a vision, and our mission is to bring that vision to the world. But I like doing these covers shows because it brings out lots of performers and fans, and helps to sort of build a local scene.

The challenge of the covers is to do them justice, but also to kind of make our own mark on them. It's a cool process, and when it works, it's very rewarding.  Yesterday the hours just flew by.  Spent about 5 hours working on little parts. Really worked on harmonies, not something I'm very good at, and worked hard with another guitar player on meshing our two styles.

The list of songs we're planning on doing is pretty wide-ranging: A Day in the Life, Carmelita, Seeds and Stems Again, Venus, Gloria ("Jesus died for somebody's sins..."), and These Boots are Made for Walking.