Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Broth of Biological Molecules!

This guy is trying to build a "virtual brain."  Not sure if it's a good idea or not.  My brain can't really see the point...  

But this description of a what a brain is, sort of captivated my own brain: 

"The brain contains nearly 100 billion neurons organized into networks with 100 trillion total connections, all firing split-second spikes of voltage in a broth of complex biological molecules in constant flux."

Kind of mind-blowing. I can blow my own mind, by contemplating the complexity of a brain. That's a strange kind of self-referential mind-blowing-ness.  And it's all sort of amazing that we have evolved these complex organs all just to navigate this world that we have created for ourselves.  And what do we do with these brains of ours?  

Don't ask.  It's all so weird.  There must be some grand purpose.  But we spend so much time muddling along doing very stupid, mindless and pointless things.  It's all a little befuddling.  All that firing of voltages, all those neurons, all that stuff floating around in a biological soup, sitting up there in our cranial closet.  

Searching for a purpose? Trying to justify an existence? To what end Pilgrim?!