Saturday, February 02, 2013


Excavating my dreams.  The world inside there is topsy-turvy.  Kind of a mirror of my daily existence. With maybe a few less rules. Gravity doesn't hold. Dead people are alive. Past, present and future all kind of collide.

I'm a lot less tangible. Sometimes I have a body, sometimes I'm just a consciousness. Like just a presence on the periphery.  Sometimes I'm smack dab in the middle of the action. The plots are usually like a really poor art film.  I mean, lots of special effects all adding up to unanswerable questions.

Not exactly 4 star stuff.  And then the next morning, there is a feeling of unease.  What was that all about? Seems I should learn something. And maybe I do.  I sharpen my sense of bafflement. Wonderment. I guess that can be useful.