Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Logic of Guns

So yes, still on the guns issue... see previous post...

If you are insecure, afraid, powerless, have low self-esteem, are slightly paranoid, or bored, and get a kick out of shooting things - well you probably already own a gun.  Those are pretty much the reasons you'd want to own one.  

And if you own a gun, you are still probably insecure, afraid, powerless, have low self-esteem, are slightly paranoid, etc, but now you also have a weapon.  And you are danger to yourself and to others.

Most gun owners probably don't end up shooting themselves or others, but maybe it's just a matter of circumstance, a matter of luck.  A matter of the odds.

All of us are subject to rage, to stupidity, to irrationality.  It's built into our systems.  Add a weapon designed to kill, and it's not surprising that lots and lots of people end up killing. There's a cold logic there...