Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Lover's Quarrel

You try to imagine how a lover's quarrel could go so wildly out of control, could devolve so badly, and horribly, that it results in a beautiful young girl, dead on the bathroom floor, with 3 bullets in her body.  You imagine yourself as a fly on the wall.

You can imagine the shouting. A Valentine's Day argument running off the rails.  Two lovers saying things in the heat of the moment that maybe they'd later regret.  Hurling threats.  Verbal daggers. Insults. It would have to be pretty bad.  I mean, really, it would have to be so super-bad, to go so awfully wrong.  Or maybe, it would be something not said, that really took it all to another level...

The Man, in a mad fury, asks "And what does he have that I don't have?"

The Woman, behind the door, matching his fury... "Well... I can think of at least... two... things..."

4 shots ring out! 
