Saturday, January 19, 2013

Bold Bully with the Yellow Jersey

I do think forgiveness and compassion should be our guiding lights.  Human beings are fallible and they stumble and fuck up often.

But when it comes to Bullies, I find it really hard to work up much sympathy.  I'm thinking of Lance. The guy that won all those yellow jerseys. The guy that cheated. The guy that lied. And maybe worst of all, the guy that intimidated, bull-dozed and sued others who actually told the truth.

Yes, the man made lots of money, earned the love of millions, inspired cancer survivors, became a celebrity endorser, was hailed as a hero.  Also, of course, he rode a bike really, really fast. But then also, of course, he cheated. And now finally admits it.

Anyone making excuses for him now, should have their heads examined. He was a bold, audacious bully and he was caught red-handed.  Let him stew in that for awhile. It would be great if he would just slink off and we'd never have to think of him again.