Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Cool Sound

We delved deep into the creative process yesterday.  We walked over to our little rehearsal space and tried out some new songs.  A couple covers (for instance "Sweet Thing" from Van Morrison) and a couple new originals.

We totally revamped a song called "Shadow of the Marigolds." It used to go one way, now it goes in a totally different way.  I love when songs "materialize." Afterwards, you sometimes wonder how it all happened, and will it ever happen again.

I had been playing a couple of riffs, sort of stringing them together, thinking that they might add up to a song.  Then Carla and I took her lyrics and started trying them on for size.  Very quickly the words and music kind of fell together.

3 hours flew by.  Almost felt like a blink of the eye.  And we had a new song on our hands.  We recorded it on the little digital recorder.  It's still just a sketch and I expect it will continue to evolve.  But a great start. And a cool sound.