Tuesday, January 01, 2013

2013 - It's Simple!

First day of 2013... washed a dog.  She's now squeaky clean.  Same bark.  Drank a pot of coffee.

Listened to Guns N' Roses "Appetite for Destruction."  Rocking hard with Axl Rose. Even I'm surprised at the choice. Then I popped in U2's "Unforgettable Fire." There is some kind of sonic, spiritual dichotomy there.  I always think of U2 as "soul-stirring" music. 

I brew another pot of coffee and then pop in The Waterboys "A Rock in the Weary Land," one of my favorite discoveries in 2012.

It's a clear and cold morning.  Bright. "Clarity" is the word for the day.  Looking at the world with new eyes! It's simple.