Monday, October 08, 2012

The Heart of "More!"

You can think about it.  And feel about it.  And do it.  And sometimes the thinking, feeling and doing are all focused and together.  This is when you are flowing with life.  It is the optimum way to navigate. 

And then sometimes the thinking, feeling and doing are not aligned at all. Instead they are working at cross-purposes.  They get out of whack.  And nothing flows.  It is a less than optimum way to navigate.

And then you ask how to align? It isn't easy. You can try to "work" it out.  But it's not really a working thing.  And it's not a thinking thing, or a feeling thing, or a doing thing either.  It's all those and more. So you are left with a puzzle. And how do you get to the heart of that "more?"