Friday, October 05, 2012

He'll Blame the Help!

All those "snap" polls told us that Romney "won" the first debate against Obama.  I must say, I was impressed by Romney's performance.  He is a bull-shit artist of the first caliber.  And the bull-shit was oozing from his ears, and he was relaxed and confident, and he did not blink.  Very impressive.

It was all shit-eating grins and a river of lies from Romney.  You might think that's what we need in this Age of Lies. But if so, I think you are wrong.  I also think Romney actually "lost" the debate.  All those lies will come back to haunt him.  He has now taken positions totally contrary to each other on just about every issue.

Romney was hard-right in the Republican primaries but he did not look comfortable pretending to be a fire-breathing right-winger in those debates.  He was stilted and weird under the gaze of Newt Gingrich.  Romney was much more comfortable pretending to be a moderate on Wednesday. 

I do think this threw Obama off his game.  I think Obama was surprised that he could not pin down Romney on any of his plans or numbers.  Obama looked a little halting and unsure.  But he was relying on facts.  Obama is actually trying to win this election based on facts.

My take: Obama's reliance on facts will help him win this thing.  Romney has built his whole campaign on a mountain of lies and misrepresentations... I'd love to see Romney get "caught," to see him squirm under the glare of reality, but I think he's lived a life of lies and he has always gotten away with his lies.

So the bull-shit artist will keep grinning that shit-eating grin. His beady little eyes will keep sparkling.  But he will be sent home a loser this time.  It will be a good lesson for Romney. But I'm sure he'll end up blaming the "help" when he goes down in defeat!