Sunday, September 16, 2012

UnOccupied Space!

We played a r&r show last night.  There were a couple of loyalists in the audience, but we primarily played to an empty bar.  Played our music to lots of unoccupied space.  There were two pretty high profile music festivals in town, and the el stop at that location is partially closed for work, which meant getting to the place was totally inconvenient. So maybe that explains the low turn-out.  But what's funny, our band was undaunted.  We really showed our character last night.  Determined.  Committed.  Joyful.  Tight.  We played an expansive set, and it all went off quite well.  You can't put a price on the kind of group energy. I don't know how you conjure it up.  It's a very special thing. We really did fill up that empty space with our sound, and in some ways that's more impressive than if we had played to a packed house.  My only regret, more people didn't get to see and hear our joyful noise.  But it was not in the cards last night. Still very pleased the morning after the show.  We have created a really cool band, and a cool sound.