Thursday, September 20, 2012

I Thank the Man for Being So Inept!

Not through with Romney yet... the guy is seriously pissing me off.  He's wasting our time.  He is running such a lousy campaign for President.  He is not very good at communicating with people. His election strategy is a complete botch.  During the primaries he adopted all the most hard-right positions, and then, once the primaries were over, he tried to tack to the middle.  But too many on the right are holding his feet to the fire, so he really can't go to the middle.  He's stuck with lots of really absurd positions just because the fire-breathing right demands it!

And he's not such a smart guy after all.  I mean, maybe he can work his way around a spreadsheet and a financial statement, but as a "leader" or "communicator" as for someone who inspires or illuminates, well, Romney really is an empty suit.  And he really is an out of touch rich guy.  He can't help it.  He's lived in a bubble of richness his whole life. He is a man totally unsuited to be President.  You wonder why he wants the job.  Probably just to burnish his ego.  Or maybe it's the rich guy entitlement thing.

He is one of those people that sort of makes your skin crawl; that plastic, pasted on smile, the deadness in the eyes, the halting, stilted way of speaking. He is a guy who has no core, and it seems he will say anything to anybody, anytime. The man has lots of money.  He inherited wealth, and then he made more.  Not all that impressive folks!

Anyway, I guess we can all thank Mitt for being such a train-wreck... the hard-core Republican base will vote for this guy no matter what... so the election may be closer than it should be.  But Mitt is doing all he can to lose.  And the country should thank him for it.  I thank the man for being so inept.  Even as he pisses me off!