Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Radical, Militant, Environmental Movement!

Some kind of radical, militant, environmental movement is probably our only hope to keep the planet habitable.  You wonder if it's possible to galvanize people to the cause.  We are really good at being fruitful and multiplying, but our success as a species is to the detriment to the lovely blue planet we inhabit.

The latest heat wave, seems to be just another little reminder of how we have fundamentally altered our ecosystem.  Billions of us running around with no regard to the life of the plants and animals, with no regard to the the air and water we breathe, points to a bleak future of environmental shocks beyond our understanding, and beyond our abilities to come up with a quick fix.

We need to fundamentally change the way we live on this planet.  Look to nature.  Nature is telling us something is gravely, gravely wrong.  And we can't entertain ourselves, or buy ourselves out of this mess.  We need a new environmental ethos to guide us.  We need to realize that it's not all "about us." We are a piece of the puzzle, but all the other pieces are important too. We need a major re-think. And we need to change our ways.  On a grand scale.