Saturday, April 14, 2012

Another Rock Icon Show!

We are going to do another one of those Rock Icon shows (we've done Dylan, Lennon and Neil Young so far).  We pick an artist and everyone comes and plays their songs.  The next one is gonna be Paul McCartney in May.

Sir Paul has written so many great songs.  He's an amazingly creative bass player and a phenomenal singer.  His body of work is just overwhelming.  I don't love everything he's done.  There are lots of sappy, saccharine songs, lots of misses, mixed in with the hits.

But you can't argue with the catalog.  I tend to lean towards the rockers... "I'm Down," "I Saw Her Standing There," "Get Back," "Back in the USSR."  Plus there are some songs that just can't be bested: "Yesterday," "Hey Jude," "Let it Be," "Eleanor Rigby."

It's always fun to get out my Beatles Chord Book  (it is essential!) and just test-drive songs.  I do think his writing partner, Mr. Lennon, brought out the best in McCartney.  Lennon's rastiness balanced out Paul sappiness.  There is a world of classic McCartney, just from the Beatles years.  And then of course, there's Wings and his solo career.  Monumental!

The man still rocks on.  And really who can blame him?  These shows are always a kick and a challenge.  You are playing songs everyone knows, and songs lots of people love.  You can try to do them like the master or try interpret them for yourself.  I like the "interpreting" route and "damn the torpedoes!"