Saturday, February 04, 2012

Rock the Nave!

Our next whitewolfsonicprincess show is at a church. We will be playing in the "nave" which is kind of like one of those old, classic European-type cathedrals. It's a pretty awe-inspiring structure. Quite the theatrical setting. The stained-glass windows tell stories. There are angels suspended up in the rafters. There's that poor Jesus guy hanging on a limb. There are candles, pews, and amazing acoustics. 

It's an Episcopalian church and it seems this particular group of Episcopalians are friendly to women, to gays, to the poor, to dogs, bikes, and the neighborhood scruffs. We've been in there a couple times, everyone is very welcoming and friendly, and lightening hasn't struck yet. 

We put together a great bill of performers. It should be an incredible evening of music. It will be a "concert" which is kind of a change from playing a bar, although we do plan on having wine for our guests! We are going to do some quieter, more experimental type songs, monologues with poetic imagery and maybe some ragged electric guitar interludes.  We will also be rocking the house! Should be one of our "don't miss" shows!