Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Personal Power

Personal power...

So I'm at the point in my life where I can be silent when I want to be silent.  I can choose the people with whom I spend my time.  I don't have to lie my ass off just to get along.  I don't have to put up with other people's nonsense - I mean of course, I do put up with other people's nonsense, (and my own), but I do it consciously and willingly and on the best days it can be amusing and supremely entertaining.

I'm always on the go.  I move. I don't stop.  Unless I crash in a heap.  That's the only time I really stop.  I swim against the tide, always, not by choice, it just seems to be my fate.  So yes, I see myself as the salmon swimming against the tide, swimming, always swimming, just because it's in-built.

I despise the liars.  I despise those who are cruel.  I despise those who kick people when they are down. I despise the nay-sayers who will subtly tell you you can't do this or that, and that's it's not really worth trying.  Despising is okay in my book.  It's okay to have enemies, they help clarify what qualities you should should shun and what qualities you should aspire to.

I dream.  I hope. I believe.  Those are important.  What I dream, hope and believe is a work in progress. So, yes, personal power, yes, I have it.  I do.  It's just a very tiny, invisible, little circle that sticks around me like a midnight cloak.