Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Like a poison dagger...

In the heat of the battle, the epithet "Hippie" is hurled at me like a poison dagger, like some deeply cutting and existential insult. Ha! Kind of like "Upstart" was to Rufus T. Firefly.

So I go through the inventory in my head...

Love the Grateful Dead?  Check!
Hitchhiked across America in my youth? Check!
Visited a commune? Check!
Carried a dog-eared copy of "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle
Maintenance" in my backpack? Check!
Actually like the smell of patchouli oil?  Check!
Like to sport long, unkempt hair? Check!
Think Love is the answer?  Check!
Dabbled with mind-altering substances? Check!
Still ask the question, "what's so funny about peace, love and understanding?" Check!
Have seen "Easy Rider" more than 10 times in my life, and still think it's great movie? Check!
Eat tofu and brown rice often? Check!

On the other hand, I do bathe regularly, I don't wear tie-dyed shirts, I don't say "groovy," and unfortunately,  I don't really think we can all just get along.  My default mode is "smile on your brother everybody, and love one another right now," but then again, I know we live in a dog eat dog world and the long knives can come out at any time.

I guess Hippie is alright with me.  But maybe Hippie with an edge?