Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Sinning is Essential!

One amazing thing that came up during our New Year's Day meditation was a discussion of the word "sin."  Did you know that the word was originally derived from the Greek word hamartia (ἁμαρτία), which means "to miss the mark" or "to miss the target."  It was originally a term used in archery!

Now this just blows the doors off lots of little prisons of the mind and soul for a non-practicing little Catholic Dude, who derives lots of inspiration and humor from old battles in Catholic Grade School.

Missing the target might actually be a great description of the creative process.  An "artist" is one who purposely misses a target, or just shoots in the dark, or invents new targets, which they shoot at, or don't shoot at, in the process of doing the "good work."

Sinning is essential to the process.  It is a fine art itself.   And in this game failures can be victories.  The main thing is to SIN!  Missing targets is essential and fun too!  It ultimately leads to the best, most mind-opening work.