Thursday, January 12, 2012

Militant, Kenyan, Socialist, Rabble-Rouser

I don't care if things are going good, or going bad, or whatever.  I hear all these Republicans blathering on about this and that, it's kind of like they are talking about another country and another time, and it's seems pretty clear they aren't proposing any "solutions" with any real substance, and they don't have any real ideas to "make things better."  

And really it's obvious they don't want to make things better at all.  They are just blowing smoke up their own asses and trying to get a cushy job where they can lord it over other people.

It's like there's this pack of people unleashed on the land running from state to state, and there's a bunch of reporters following them around, and they really are mad, and small-minded, and there's no reason to really listen to anything they say.  And the guy they are talking about, the guy they want to "replace" is a total straw-man, a badly-drawn figment of their imaginations.  They are running against a fabricated mirage.

Which is the main thing that bucks me up.  It will be a close election, it's almost always a close election.  But things are starting to look good for that Militant, Kenyan, Socialist, Rabble-Rouser.