Sunday, January 01, 2012

Half-Awake in a Fake Empire

The young Bono in U2 sings... "I am wide awake and not sleeping."  And he has spent much of his career wide awake, singing to stadiums full of the sleepers.

The not so young Matt Berninger in the National sings... "We are half asleep in a Fake Empire."  Matt heads up an amazing band.  He's probably more awake than asleep.  We've been listening to the National's disc "The Boxer."  Inspiring!

We watched the Times Square celebration last night.  It all seemed so desperate and fake.  Everyone trying so hard to have a good time.  I think we are all suspended between a tenuous waking and sleeping state.  Is it all a dream?

We closed out 2011 with a showing of "Boogie Nights," one of my favorite all-time films. If you want to know a little about the crazy-ass experiment of America, and little about living in the 70's and 80's, and want to know what a great American film looks like, delve into P.T. Anderson's rambling epic.  Every scene is filmed with style and love, some of the best performances from a stellar cast you will ever witness.  Plus the soundtrack is absolutely superb!

I knocked back a contingent of Guinness as we watched the film.  Something about that golden harp that makes my head spin and my body sing!  Might be that Irish heritage.  Something in the old genetic entity lights up with that dark brew.

So I entered the new year half-awake, but foggy too.  And the Empire looked quite Fake in my blazing eyes.  Still, it was a genial haze of good cheer.  Happy 2012!