Friday, December 23, 2011

Telepaths in the Trenches

I'm in a band of brothers called the Telepaths.  As Terry Flamm once put it, we are a "cutting-edge" outfit, although maybe just "cutting" is closer to the mark!

We have an amazing camaraderie, we all love to play together, we bring lots of energy to our quirky originals. We all have nicknames: the drummer is Big Bang, the bass player is The Professor, I'm Jammer and the lead singer is Uber-Critic!  You know you have a pretty cool band if everyone has a nickname!

This video is from a show at a little hole in the wall bar called Dukes from awhile back. We're playing our signature tune "Area 51." "Find the truth in your underwear!"

The sound isn't the best. As usual the guitar and drums kind of overwhelm the space, and our exuberant lead singer, the Uber-Critic, is singing through a decidedly under-powered P.A.  But I love the lighting and the background on this video, our friend Sergio recorded it on an iPhone, and it nicely captures some of that Telepathic thing.  I'm pretty happy with my guitar sound too. That white guitar is my prize possession a John Suhr Classic Strat! 

 Rock On!