Saturday, December 03, 2011

The Tale of Two Bands

I play guitar in two bands.  One band really, really, really tries to be good.  And the other band really, really, really tries to be.

Both approaches are valid.  Both bands are playing tonight at our Toys For Tots benefit.  Both bands are doing American Classic Cover Songs.  

In one band I do my best to fit in,  I try not to over-play, not to be too noisy, not to overload the ears with my guitar.  The other band is a band of misfits; I do my best to over-play, to be noisy, and to overload the ears with my guitar.

One band is all about beauty and nuance.  The other is all about chaotic rawness.  Both are a kick.  I love both approaches.  And I need both in my life. Different aspects of me too, I suppose.