Sunday, December 11, 2011

Photo Shoot

It was very, very cold yesterday.  But the light was good.  And we had an outdoor photo shoot to try to get a group portrait of our band.  We are working on the packaging for our new album of recorded music and we met this amazing photographer, and it just seemed like we found a kindred soul who could help us re-visualize our group energy in a black and white picture.  We want to capture the spirit of the band; kind of like trying to capture lightening in a bottle.

And well, it's always cool to collaborate with other artists, and this particular photographer is an artist of the first caliber, he just blew us away with his some of his surreal and haunting work, and well, everyone was available and up for it, so what the hell.  

So we all dressed up and decamped to a church courtyard for the shoot.  It was sort of insane, because it was insanely cold.  We stood out in the blazingly bright cold and the photographer snapped away.  For one shot the photographer teetered on a ladder and shot down on us.  We looked up expectant and hopeful that the ladder and photographer weren't going to come crashing down to the ground.

It was all light and shadow and it was all over in a flash.  We were all cold and shivering.  Not sure what we got, it was such of blur of activity.  But I'm hopeful we captured something really cool.