Monday, December 05, 2011

Measuring a Show

Yes, but what about our Toys for Tots show last Saturday?  How did it all go?  Was it a success?

Well, just how do you measure a show?  

Lots of people came to the show, some of whom we knew, and lots of whom we didn't.  We ended up with an enormous pile of toys for needy kids.  And the Marines landed and collected the toys. And all the bottles of beer, and the bottles of fine liquor, were dutifully emptied into the party-goers. And all the bands showed up and did their songs.  And the overall quality of the performances was very good throughout.  And the sonic spectrum was wide.  There was some head-banging, and dancing, and people sang along with the tunes that they knew. And there were good vibes, and laughs and lots of interesting post-show scuttle-butt too.  And everyone wanted to do it all again.  

So yeah, I guess it was a success.