Thursday, December 08, 2011

Just What Happens

You'd like to live your life with no guilt, no regrets.  You think maybe it's a simple as not doing things that make you feel guilty, or not doing things that you will regret.  But of course, none of us have enough "foresight" to know how some of our choices, decisions or actions will pan out.

You sometimes think what happens is just what happens.  And maybe what actually happens is the only thing that "could have" happened.  Life works out as it works out.  But you just don't know.

Is there a hand of destiny?  Is there "free will?"  Can you hold yourself to account for actions that were "yours" but were clouded by the moment of unknowing?  Are you just looking for a way to skate?  Should you hold yourself to account for every last action?  Can you claim stupidity, or insanity?  Or just plain unconsciousness?  Do you just conveniently forget the uncomfortable stuff?  Forget the mistakes?

Does that help or explain yourself, to yourself?  What do you include in your narrative history.  What do you exclude?  Is it all imprinted in your brain and on your body anyway? 

So if you choose not to feel guilty, and to have no regrets, are you just hustling yourself?